Choose from the following options:
1. Write an essay agreeing or disagreeing that the adage "Money is the root of all evil" helps us read our stories. Choose one text as your main text. Include a second text briefly, perhaps no more than a sentence or part of a sentence, but certainly less than a paragraph, to help make your argument. (The second text could be a counter-example if you like, rather than a second example.)
2. Write an essay on romantic love / heterosexuality in one of the texts (again, using a second text briefly as well).
3. Pick a quotation from those on this blog--there are a couple on the syllabus, and others in various posts--as an anchor for an essay in which you argue either that your main and secondary texts exemplify in some way or contradict in some way the gist of the comment. Do NOT type out the entire quotation--just refer to it, perhaps with a phrase, or with a word or two (or several) of summary.
4. Form and format directions for this paper are in a previous post.
5. Email me--before Monday night, please--if you have questions or problems.
Have fun!