Thursday, April 28, 2011

a thought or two

Only someone who prevents us from satisfying a desire which he himself has inspired in us is truly an object of hatred.  The person who hates first hates himself for the secret admiration concealed by his hatred.

Rene Girard, Deceit, Desire, and the Novel, pp. 10-11

You might think about this in connection with "evil."  Evil might just finally boil down to hatred.....

Thursday, April 14, 2011


M's human/soft/sentimental side
  gen'l S, Silver Wig, his room, Harry Jones
Ending w/what kind of worldview?
--life goes on the same way, Silver Wig gone forever, Eddie Mars not gone forever
--corruption is not gone
How many mysteries are there in the story?
#Rusty Regan
#Sternwood blackmail

Ending of the novel
*corruption still exists
*really bad guys still exist (ex for Canino)
*Carmen isn't dead
*Rusty Regan is (bad)
*Silver Wig is gone forever
*Captain Gregory is still (only) "reasonably honest"
*Maybe Gen'l S doesn't have to know (about Rusty, about Carmen)
*M still has his license
*Geiger dead (good)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Prefinal test format and sample questions

NB you will need to know (and spell) titles, authors, directors, and  you will need to be able to provide DATES of the texts.

sample questions from exams past

Note, especially, types of questions and directions given. Also:  you will be expected to give titles, authors/directors, dates of publication/release for each of our texts.

Sample questions from 400 level courses on 20th century American texts.

Texts [3 points each]: Below write FOR each of the TEN texts [this is a sample from an old test--our number will be different) we've covered: title, author/director, date of publication/release.

Identify [3 points each]: Say concisely who or what each of the following is and identify the author OR the text or context in which it appeared.
1. Toussaint L'Ouverture
2. Nenny
3. Jody Starks

Define [4 points each]: Give a definition of each of the following words. Be sure your definition is the one most relevant to the way we used the term in class.

2. American Realism
4. miscegenation
5. James’s balloon
6. infer/imply [nb: there are TWO words here]
7. the 18th Amendment
8. anomaly
9. tableau vivant
10. suspension of disbelief

Brief answer [5 points each]: Answer the following questions briefly ( 1-2 sentences), making sure that you choose the most relevant of the possible ways to answer.

1. What is "playing the (dirty) dozens" and what is its significance in Hurston's novel?
3. All cultures seem to have a taboo on incest: what is one anthropological explanation for why all cultures have this in common? (hint: what does this taboo enable or enforce?)
9. Describe two strong female figures in The House on Mango Street , from two different stories or chapters. (It's o.k. if you don't remember their names; just be specific about why they are "strong").
12. To what film genre(s) does Mildred Pierce belong? (describe each and explain how/when they appear and how they work together in the film)
13. What is one way to read the way Tea Cake dies so that it "fits in" with an overall reading of the novel?

Short answer [7 points each]: These answers will be slightly longer (3-5 sentences) than the previous ones. These are not original essay questions; just report and/or summarize the class discussion/lecture material. Discuss the following quotations; be specific and give examples where appropriate.

2. "O.K., Bert. To hell with her!"
"Goddam it, that's what I want to hear! Come on, we got each other, haven't we? Let's get stinko."
"Yes--let's get stinko."

4. "Tom" was a bad baby, from the very beginning of his usurpation.

5. . . . for the first time he seemed to see before him the real Lily Bart, divested of the trivialities of her little world, and catching for a moment a note of that eternal harmony of which her beauty was a part.

6. We continued silent while the maid was with us--as silent, it whimsically occurred to me, as some young couple who, on their wedding journey, at the inn, feel shy in the presence of the waiter. He turned round only when the waiter had left us. "Well--so we're alone!"

8. Ships at a distance have every man's wish on board. For some they come in with the tide. For others they sail forever on the horizon, never out of sight, never landing until the Watcher turns his eyes away in resignation, his dreams mocked to death by Time. That is the life of men.
Now, women forget all those things they don't want to remember, and remember everything they don't want to forget. The dream is the truth. Then they act and do things accordingly.

C. The questions below are intended to inspire short (8-10 sentences) answers that will display the depth and breadth of your grasp of the course material. Use the backs of the pages to continue answers (number them clearly).

1. "Nor did he fail again to observe, or imagine, an analogy between the beautiful girl and the gorgeous shrub that hung its gemlike flowers over the fountain--a resemblance which Beatrice seemed to have indulged a fantastic humor in heightening, both by the arrangement of her dress and the selection of its hues." Discuss.

2. Discuss the relationship between Jerry and Stephanie in The Stepfather.

3. Who is the Beast in Double Indemnity? Explain.

4. Give a brief summary of the basic points in Freud's essay "A Special Type of Object Choice Made by Men."

5. Discuss the connections between Ripley and the Big Bug in the film Aliens.

6. Marlowe gets furious when he finds Carmen in his bed. Discuss.

7. Harvey Roy Greenberg ends his essay by asserting that Denham is the real beast of King Kong. Explain this remark and then agree or disagree with it.

8. Why does Spade hand Brigid over to the police?

9. What is John Marcher waiting for and does it arrive?

10. What is a Venn diagram and what makes it useful for the kinds of things we explored in this class?

11. Clips: Choose one. Write your choice down, and describe briefly what is happening in the scene. Discuss.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

paper prompts (voluntary)!

* "the detective story [deals with] a hidden guilt that threatens to destroy the self-contained community, or, more contemporaneously, the social fabric of a city  . . . "  Leslie Fiedler

*Levi-Strauss asserts that myths of the Oedipal type always assimilate discovery of incest to the solution of a living puzzle personified by the hero--in his words "The audacious union of masked words or of consanquines unknown to themselves engenders decay and fermentation, the unchaining of natural forces--one thinks of the Theban plague-- . . ."

*It is a common observation--and like so many other commonplaces, an important one--that our system of thought, perception, and logic depends on our insistence that the world can be perceived in terms of categories which include some elements and exclude others.  The starkest and most fundamental kind of category is that which designates a paired opposite:  ie, "p" and "not-p."  They are interdependently defined:  "The category 'p' includes all that which is not not-p, and vice versa."

Part of the persistent horror of Oedipus's fate is that in his case, "p" and "not-p" have collapsed (and so therefore have most other important distinctions in Thebes--the place is a mess):  The King is the Regicide; The Son is the Father; the Mother, the Wife; the Criminal is the Detective/Judge/Executioner;  the Daughter, the Sister; etc.  Implicit here as well is the horrific threat behind the prohibition of such transgression:  if you violate these taboos, all distinction, which is to say, all culture and civilization (that which, we say, separates us from the animals) will precariously tumble into chaos.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011

Schedule through May (nb: change in Paper #3 due date!

Mar. 22, 24, 29 The Omen (1976), Chinatown (1974) screen and discuss
3/31 No class
March 31-April 2 Arizona Quarterly Symposium (no class, but attendance at a paper of your choice will be required) 
4/5 Paper #2 Reading Day
4/7  Prefinal.  This is an exam which will cover all material to date.  The format and extent of the exam will be discussed in class.  The Final Exam will consist of questions already covered on this exam and new questions on material covered after 4/7.
4/12, 4/14  The Big Sleep, Raymond Chandler (1939). You can purchase a hard copy from any number of brick and mortar sources, or you can get it here:
4/19, 4/21, 4/26, 4/28  Screen Chinatown (Polanski, 1974) The Omen (1976). Discussion of this and past texts; somewhere in here we will also have a review discussion of the Prefinal)
May 3 Paper #3
May 5 Last Day of Classes
May 10 Final 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m., Chavez 304
*Paper #4 will be optional: following the same rules as the previous three papers.   Any paper handed in as Paper #4 will not lower your grade.  You can turn it in when we meet for the final exam.

Friday, March 11, 2011

paper #2 and Prefinal

4/5 Paper #2 Reading Day
4/7  Prefinal.  This is an exam which will cover all material to date.  The format and extent of the exam will be discussed in class.  The Final Exam will consist of questions already covered on this exam and new questions on material covered after 4/7.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Paper #3 due date

Paper #3 will be due on 4/28 5/3  (paper readings may extend to part of class on 5/5).

Paper #4 will be optional:  if you want to try to raise your grade.  Any paper handed in as Paper #4 will not lower your grade.  You can turn it in when we meet for the final exam.

General info for topics for next paper

For those who like to get started early:  You will focus on one of our texts, with a brief reference to a second as part of your argument (the reference to the second text can be either support or counter-example); make sure you address the questions below in the context of your essay.  Please note:  none of these questions are your specific thesis.  Your thesis should be something about the child/childhood or the parent/parental in your chosen text.

1.  What is evil in this story--what does it do?
2.  Where, according to the text, does evil come from--what is its point of origin in the story?
3.  How does the story get you to participate in it (the story, the evil, the argument, etc.)?

Some pithy quotations:
Evil is unspectacular and always human
And shares our bed and eats at our own table.   
--W.H. AUDEN, Herman Melville
The whole gamut of good and evil is in every human being, certain notes, from stronger original quality or most frequent use, appearing to form the whole character; but they are only the tones most often heard. The whole scale is in every soul, and the notes most seldom heard will on rare occasions make themselves audible.
--FANNY KEMBLE, Further Records, Feb. 12, 1875

Evil is a point of view.
--ANNE RICE, Interview with the Vampire

 The rules are the same as for the first paper. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

T of S quotations

" . . . one of [James's] most cruel effects:  the ambiguity of innocence, of an innocence which is pure of the evil it contains; the art of perfect dissimulation which enables the children to conceal this evil from the honest folk amongst whom they live, an evil which is perhaps an innocence that becomes evil in the proximity of such folk, the incorruptible innocence they oppose to the true evil of adults; or again the riddle of the visions attributed to them, the uncertainty of a story which has perhaps been foisted upon them by the demented imagination of a governess who tortures them to death with her own hallucinations."  --Maurice Blanchot (from The Siren's Song: Selected Essays by Maurice Blanchot; rpt from a 1959 essay)

"There is no question that the young woman sees the ghosts of Peter Quint and of Miss Jessel.  We recognize also that she is making an extraordinary effort to keep calm in the face of the evil she fears.  The evil, however, is in her own mind; when she has the 'certitude' that her ghosts have come for the children, the reader must decide whether she is stating a fact or enunciating a theory.  Looking back over her story, we discover that her circumstantial account of the behavior of the children establishes them as 'normal.'  Little Miles wants to know when he is going back to school; little Flora's escapade with the boar is perfectly in character for an eight-year-old.  Yet the governess makes the behavior of the children seem sinister.  The real 'turn of the screw'--the particular twist of pain in the tale--resides in what the governess is doing to the children.  They, on their side, try constantly to accommodate themselves to her vision."  --Leon Edel, from Henry James: Stories of the Supernatural

"Only make the reader's general vision of evil intense enough . . . and his own experience, his own imagination  . . will supply him quite sufficiently with all the particulars.  Make him think the evil, make him think it for himself, and you are released from weak specifications."  --Henry James

"The Turn of the Screw is the most hopelessly evil story that we have ever read in any literature, ancient of modern.  how Mr. James could, or how any man or woman could, choose to make such a study of infernal human debauchery, for it is nothing else, is unaccountable. . . . The study, while it exhibits Mr. James's genius in a powerful light, affects the reader with a disgust that is not to be expressed.  The feeling after perusal of the horrible story is that one has been assisting in an outrage upon the holiest and sweetest fountain of human innocence, and helping to debauch--at least by helplessly standing by--the pure and trusting nature of children.  Human imagination can go no further into infamy, literary art could not be used with more refined subtlety of spiritual defilement."   --The Independent, 1899

"In 1934, Edmund Wilson for the first time suggests explicitly that The Turn of the Screw is not, in fact, a ghost story but a madness story, a study of a case of neurosis:  the ghosts, accordingly, do not really exist; they are but figments of the governess's sick imagination, mere hallucinations and projections symptomatic of the frustration of her repressed sexual desires.  This psychoanalytic interpretation will hit the critical scene like a bomb.  Making its author into an overnight celebrity by arousing as much interest as James's text itself, Wilson's article will provoke a veritable barrage of indignant refutations, all closely argued and based on 'irrefutable' textual evidence."  --Shoshana Felman, "Madness and the Risks of Practice (Turning the Screw of Interpretation)"

"Henry James's ghosts have nothing in common with the violent old ghosts__the blood-stained sea captains, the white horses, the headless ladies of dark lanes and windy commons.  They have their origin within us.  They are present whenever the significant overflows our powers of expressing it; whenever the ordinary appears ringed by the strange.   The baffling things that are left over, the frightening ones that persist--these are the emotions that he takes, embodies, makes consoling and companionable.  But how can we be afraid? . . . The beautiful urbane spirits are only not of this world because they are too fine for it.  . . . We may feel clumsy in their presence, but we cannot feel afraid.  What doe sit matter, then, if we do pick up 'The Turn of the Screw' an hour or so before bedtime?. . .
   Perhaps it is the silence that first impresses us. . . . 'I can hear again, as I write, the intense hush in which the sounds of evening dropped.  The rooks stopped cawing in the gold sky, and the friendly hour lost for the unspeakable minute all its voice.'  It is unspeakable.  We know that the man who sands on the tower staring down at the governess beneath is evil.  Some unutterable obscenity has come to the surface.  It tries to get i; it tries to get at something.  The exquisite little beings who lie innocently asleep must at all costs be protected.  But the horror grows.  Is it possible that the little girl, as she turns back from the window, has seen the woman outside?  Has she been with Miss Jessel?  Has Quint visited the boy?  It is Quint who hangs about us in the dark; who is there in that corner and again there in that. It is Quint who must be reasoned away, and for all our reasoning returns.  Can it be that we are afraid?  But it is not a man with red hair and a white face whom we fear.  We are afraid of something unnamed, of something, perhaps, in ourselves.  In short, we turn on the light.  If by its beams we examine the story in safety, note how masterly the telling is, how each sentence is stretched, each image filled, how the inner world gains from the robustness of the outer, how beauty and obscenity twined together worm their way to the depths--still we must own that something remains unaccounted for.  We must admit that Henry James has conquered.  That courtly, worldly, sentimental old gentleman can still make us afraid of the dark.  --Virginia Woolf, "Henry James's Ghost Stories," 1921.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Feb. 22 "The Turn of the Screw," cont'd.
Feb. 24  Read "Young Goodman Brown, Nathaniel Hawthorne
--discuss, probably with "The Turn of the Screw" as well
Mar. 1, 3   The Bad Seed, Dir. Mervyn LeRoy
Mar. 8, 10 Discuss The Bad Seed
Mar. 15, 17 Spring Break
Mar. 22, 24, 29 The Omen (I think), screen and discuss
Mar. 31 No class. Choose an Arizona Quarterly Symposium paper to attend
Apr. 5  Paper #2  Selected papers read in class.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Paper#1 assignment

 Choose from the following options:

1.  Write an essay agreeing or disagreeing that the adage "Money is the root of all evil" helps us read our stories.  Choose one text as your main text.  Include a second text briefly, perhaps no more than a sentence or part of a sentence, but certainly less than a paragraph, to help make your argument.  (The second text could be a counter-example if you like, rather than a second example.)

2. Write an essay on romantic love / heterosexuality in one of the texts (again, using a second text briefly as well).

3.  Pick a quotation from those on this blog--there are a couple on the syllabus, and others in various posts--as an anchor for an essay in which you argue either that your main and secondary texts exemplify in some way or contradict in some way the gist of the comment.  Do NOT type out the entire quotation--just refer to it, perhaps with a phrase, or with a word or two (or several) of summary.

4.  Form and format directions for this paper are in a previous post.

5.  Email me--before Monday night, please--if you have questions or problems.

Have fun!

Monday, February 7, 2011

some thoughts on our topic

Our tragedy today is a general and universal physical fear so long sustained by now that we can even bear it. There are no longer problems of the spirit. There is only one question: When will I be blown up? Because of this, the young man or woman writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat.   --William Faulkner's Nobel Prize acceptance speech, 1950

"The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it."
— Flannery O'Connor

"Most of us have learned to be dispassionate about evil, to look it in the face and find, as often as not, our own grinning reflections with which we do not argue, but good is another matter. Few have stared at that long enough to accept that its face too is grotesque, that in us the good is something under construction. The modes of evil usually receive worthy expression. The modes of good have to be satisfied with a cliche or a smoothing down that will soften their real look."
— Flannery O'Connor

"I have found, in short, from reading my own writing, that my subject in fiction is the action of grace in territory largely held by the devil.

I have also found that what I write is read by an audience which puts little stock either in grace or the devil. You discover your audience at the same time and in the same way that you discover your subject, but it is an added blow."
— Flannery O'Connor (Mystery and Manners: Occasional Prose)

"The serious writer has always taken the flaw in human nature for his starting point, usually the flaw in an otherwise admirable character. Drama usually bases itself on the bedrock of original sin, whether the writer thinks in theological terms or not. Then, too, any character in a serious novel is supposed to carry a burden of meaning larger than himself. The novelist doesn't write about people in a vacuum; he writes about people in a world where something is obviously lacking, where there is the general mystery of incompleteness and the particular tragedy of our own times to be demonstrated, and the novelist tries to give you, within the form of the book, the total experience of human nature at any time. For this reason, the greatest dramas naturally involve the salvation or loss of the soul. Where there is no belief in the soul, there is very little drama. "
— Flannery O'Connor (The Habit of Being: Letters of Flannery O'Connor)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Schedule Update

 Segue-ing into "children and evil":

Feb. 8, 10 Discussion of The Night of the Hunter, GCP, RE

Feb. 15  Paper #1 due in class

Feb. 17 "The Turn of the Screw," Henry James.
Feb. 22, 24  Discussion cont'd, "Turn of the Screw"; readings, TBA

Paper instructions

You'll be getting topic directions and prompts in a future post. Meanwhile, here are the basic directions:
1. Use the paper prompts to think about or against the text you are writing about.  Do not retype the prompts into your paper; just refer to it/them using the authors’ last names) and quote only a phrase or two if necessary. 

2.  This is not a research essay, nor is it a journal entry:  make a cogent, compact, textually-supported argument.  Don't waste time with rhetorical circling ("I think," "I feel") or plot summary; just go for the jugular, as it were, right away, stay on point, and get the job done.

3. Write a one-page, single-spaced paper. Do not use any of the usual flourishes. That is, do not write an introductory paragraph, do not write a summarizing conclusion paragraph, do not do any plot summary (other than what is required to provide a context for a point you are making, e.g., “When Silas gets drunk at the dinner party, he……”). Do not write any sentences that begin with “I think” or “I believe.” (This is not because there’s some rule against using the first person pronoun; it is because I already know that it’s you, and you will need the space.)

4.  Make a full and complete argument supported by reference to and quotations (short!) from the text(s) you are writing about.

5.  Be succinct. Ruthlessly edit your words. All of us use “extra” words we don’t really need when we write papers. This is not going to be easier to write than a 3-5 page paper. Basically it’s going to be all the important stuff you’d put into a longer, more leisurely production. It will take the same amount of time as a much longer paper.

6.  You do not need a “Works Cited” list or footnotes; this is not a research paper, and I am familiar with the texts you will be using. This is, however, a formal academic paper, so make sure your writing style conforms to that model.

7. Proofread your paper before turning it in. Read it aloud to yourself too—this is a good way to catch problems.
  Have someone else read it--it's  not cheating, it's in fact good writing procedure.
8.  Due at 9:30 pm in class, Tuesday, Feb. 15.

9.  Some of you (volunteers I hope) will be reading your papers to the class (everyone will eventually get a turn). 

10.  Attendance is very important.

*if you miss class for any reason, please do not email  your paper--just bring it to the next class you make it to.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Updated Schedule (note changes!) Effective January 27

Schedule through Feb. 8

 Southern Gothic, grotesque, ambiguity, etc. unit:

Jan. 20  Read/discuss "A Good Man is Hard to Find"

Jan. 25-27 Read/discuss "Good Country People," "The Lottery," and "A Rose for Emily"

Feb. 1-3 Screen and discuss The Night of the Hunter
Feb. 8  REREAD/discuss "Good Country People"  and "A Rose for Emily"

Feb. 10 Paper #1 due. (Volunteers will read theirs in class; you will get full instructions by February 3.)  nb:  everybody will "volunteer" by the time the semester is over.....

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Schedule through Feb. 8

 Southern Gothic, grotesque, ambiguity, etc. unit:

Jan. 20  Read/discuss "A Good Man is Hard to Find"

Jan. 25-27 Read/discuss "Good Country People," "The Lottery," and "A Rose for Emily"

Feb. 1-3 Screen and discuss The Night of the Hunter

Feb. 8 Paper #1 due. (Volunteers will read theirs in class; you will get full instructions by February 1.)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Read for Thursday, January 20

Bring hard copy to class.
Pronunciation:  /ˈiːv(ə)l/
Forms:  OE–ME yfel (in inflexions yf(e)l-), (ME ifel, ME efel, yfell, ME ywel(l, ME ufel, ME uvel(e, ME ivel, (ME ȝevel, ME ivil), ME–15 evel(l(e, (ME ewelle, hevelle, 15 ewil, yell), ME–15 evill(e, -yl(l(e, yvel(l(e, (15 yevill), ME– evil.(Show Less)
Etymology:  Middle English uvel (ü), Old English yfel = Old Saxon uƀil, Old Frisian, Middle Dutch evel (Dutch euvel), Old High German ubil, upil (German übel), Gothic ubils < Old Germanic *uƀilo-z; usually referred to the root of up, over; on this view the primary sense would be either ‘exceeding due measure’ or ‘overstepping proper limits’.
The form evel, whence the mod. form descends, appears in Middle English first as west midland and Kentish, but in 15th cent. had become general. The conditions under which early Middle English /i/ or /y/ became /eː/ , the antecedent of modern English /iː/ , are not clearly determined; the present word and weevil seem to be the only examples in which this change was other than local; obsolete and dialect instances are yeve = ‘give’, leve = ‘live’, easle n. (Other apparent examples are due to Old English forms with eo, resulting < u- or o- umlaut.)
(Show Less)
 A. adj. The antithesis of good adj., adv., and n. in all its principal senses.
In Old English, as in all the other early Germanic langs. exc. Scandinavian, this word is the most comprehensive adjectival expression of disapproval, dislike, or disparagement. In mod. colloquial English it is little used, such currency as it has being due to literary influence. In quite familiar speech the adj. is commonly superseded by bad; the n. is somewhat more frequent, but chiefly in the widest senses, the more specific senses being expressed by other words, as harm, injury, misfortune, disease, etc.
 I. Bad in a positive sense.
Thesaurus »

 1. Morally depraved, bad, wicked, vicious. Also absol. Obs. as applied to persons.

971    Blickl. Hom. 37   We sceolan‥ure heortan clænsian from yflum eþohtum.
971    Blickl. Hom. 161   Hi cyningum & yfelum ricum ealdormannum wiþstandan mihtan.
?c1200    Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 1742   To bærnenn all þatt ifell iss. Aweȝȝ inn hise þeowwess.
1398    J. de Trevisa tr. Bartholomew de Glanville De Proprietat. Rerum (1495) xv. cxvii. 532   Pentapol‥hathe that name of 5 cytees of euel men that were dystroyed wyth fyre of heuen.
c1440    Gesta Rom. (Harl.) x. 31   Ivel men, þe which neyþer lovith god, neyþer hire neghebowre.
c1460  (1325)    Cursor Mundi (Laud) l. 8106   Lothe is Eville mannys soule & body boþe.
1526    Bible (Tyndale) Matt. xxi. 41   He will cruellye destroye those evyll persons.
1584    H. Llwyd & D. Powel tr. Caradoc Hist. Cambria 16   Sigebert‥for his Euill behaviour was expelled.
1611    Bible (A.V.) Gen. viii. 21   The imagination of mans heart is euil from his youth.
1794    S. T. Coleridge Relig. Musings in Wks. (1847) I. 94   She‥from the dark embrace all evil things Brought forth and nurtured: mitred Atheism!
1817    W. Selwyn Abridgem. Law Nisi Prius (ed. 4) II. 1156   Imputing to a person an evil inclination.
1871    S. Smiles Character i. 10   Good deeds act and react on the doers of them; and so do evil.
c1200    Trin. Coll. Hom. 23   Alle men shullen cume to libben echeliche‥þe gode on eche blisse‥þ e uuele on eche wowe.
c1300    Cursor M. 25249 (Cott. Galba MS.) ,   On domesday‥þe euill sall fra þe gude be drawn.
1827    R. Pollok Course of Time II. x. 235   To the evil‥Eternal recompence of shame and wo.
(Hide quotations)

Thesaurus »

 2. Doing or tending to do harm; hurtful, mischievous, prejudicial. Of advice, etc.: Misleading. Of an omen, etc.: Boding ill.

c1175    Lamb. Hom. 3   Heo urnen on-ȝein him al þa hebreisce men mid godere and summe mid ufele þeonke.
?c1225  (1200)    Ancrene Riwle (Cleo. C. 6) (1972) 42   Is hit nu swa ouer vuel for tototin vtward.
c1275  (1200)    Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1963) l. 1271   Ah þa heora fader wes dæd þe sunen duden vuelne [c1300 Otho vuele] ræd.
1297    R. Gloucester's Chron. (1724) 593   Thurghe evelle conceille was slayne‥the Erle of Arundelle.
c1380    Wyclif Sel. Wks. III. 330   Evyl ensaumple of opyn synne.
a1400  (1325)    Cursor Mundi (Fairf. 14) l. 4635   He prisoned was wiþ euel rede.
a1400–50    Alexander 703   Þe euyll sterne of Ercules how egirly it soroȝes.
c1400    Lanfranc's Cirurg. (MS. A.) 41   It is not yvel to putte a litil opium to þe oile of þe rosis.
c1420    Chron. Vilod. 808   Hym shulnot harme non hevelle thyng.
c1449    R. Pecock Repressor (1860) 4   Gouernauncis of the clergie whiche summe of the comoun peple‥ be yuele.
1530    J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 217/2   Evyll tourne, maluais tour.
1584    D. Powel in H. Llwyd & D. Powel tr. Caradoc Hist. Cambria 99   King Edward by euill counsell‥banished Algar.
1587    L. Mascall Bk. Cattell: Oxen (1627) 36   Yeugh is euill for cattell to eate.
1595    Shakespeare Henry VI, Pt. 3 v. vi. 44   The owle shrikt at thy birth, an euill signe.
1611    Bible (A.V.) Gen. xxxvii. 20   Some euill beast hath deuoured him.
1623    W. Drummond Flowres of Sion 40   Weigh not how wee‥(Euill to our selues) against thy Lawes rebell.
1655    N. Culpeper et al. tr. L. Riverius Pract. Physick i. xvi. 57   In a great Headach it is evil to have the outward parts cold.
1846    J. Ruskin Mod. Painters II. 129   The neglect of art‥has been of evil consequence to the Christian world.
1868    J. H. Blunt Reformation Church of Eng. I. 403   The evil system of pluralities.
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 3. Uses partaking of senses A. 1, A. 2:
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 a.   evil will n. depraved intention or purpose; also, desire for another's harm; = ill will n. rare in mod. use.

c897    K. Ælfred tr. Gregory Pastoral Care xxi. 157   He of yfelum willan ne esyngað.
a1300    Cursor M. 1065 (Cott.) ,   For caym gaf him wit iuel will.
1340    Ayenbite (1866) 66   Þe dyeuel beginþ þet uer of tyene and euel wyl uor to becleppe.
1377    Langland Piers Plowman B. v. 121   For enuye and yuel wille is yuel to defye.
1523    Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles I. cxix. 142   The duke‥pardoned them all his yuell wyll.
1563    2nd Tome Homelyes Rogat. Week iii, in J. Griffiths Two Bks. Homilies (1859) ii. 492   Cast we off all malice & all evil will.
a1569    M. Coverdale Fruitful Lessons (1593) sig. Gg,   Many afflictions, much euill will‥shal happen vnto you.
1598    R. Grenewey tr. Tacitus Annales iii. ii. 65   He [Piso] increased the euill will of the people towards him.
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 b. evil angel, spirit, etc. Also, the evil one (†Sc. the evil man): the Devil.

c950    Lindisf. Gosp. Matt. xiv. 26   Forðon yfel wiht is.
1553    R. Eden tr. S. Münster Treat. Newe India sig. Gjv,   Sundrie illusions of euyl spirites.
1611    Bible (A.V.) Luke vii. 21   Hee cured many‥of euill spirits.
a1616    Shakespeare Julius Caesar (1623) iv. ii. 333   Bru. Speake to me, what thou art. Ghost. Thy euill Spirit, Brutus?
1648    Acts Gen. Assemb. 463 (Jam.)   Whilest some fell asleep, and were carelesse‥the evil man brought in prelacy.
1667    Milton Paradise Lost ix. 463   That space the Evil one abstracted stood From his own evil.
1681–6    J. Scott Christian Life (1747) III. 347   The Ministry of the evil Angels to him.
1727    D. Defoe Syst. Magick i. i. 24   They did not suppose those wise Men‥had an evil Spirit.
1825    E. Bulwer-Lytton Zicci 2   The Evil Spirit is pulling you towards him.
1841    E. W. Lane tr. Thousand & One Nights I. 117   Sakhr was an evil Jinnee.
1881    Bible (R.V.) Matt. vi. 13   Deliver us from the evil one.
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 c. Of repute or estimation: Unfavourable.   evil tongue n. a malicious or slanderous speaker. arch.

c1330    R. Mannyng Chron. (1810) 20   Of him in holy kirke men said euelle sawe.
c1384    Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) 2 Cor. vi. 8   By yuel fame and good fame.
c1450    Myre 58   Wymmones serues thow moste forsake, Of euele fame leste they the make.
1535    Bible (Coverdale) Ecclus. xxviii. 19   Wel is him that is kepte from an euell tonge.
1611    Bible (A.V.) Deut. xxii. 19   He hath brought vp an euill name vpon a virgine of Israel.
a1891    Mod. Newspaper,   The defendant was arrested in a house of evil repute.
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 a. Causing discomfort, pain, or trouble; unpleasant, offensive, disagreeable; troublesome, painful.

a1131    Anglo-Saxon Chron. anno 1124,   Se king let hine don on ifele bendas.
1577    B. Googe tr. C. Heresbach Foure Bks. Husbandry iv. f. 161,   The berry of‥the wyld Uine‥, the euill tast wherof wyll cause them to lothe Grapes.
1578    H. Lyte tr. R. Dodoens Niewe Herball i. lxxxviii. 130   The herbe‥is of a very evill and strong stincking savour.
1690    J. Locke Ess. Humane Understanding ii. xx. 113   We name that Evil, which is apt to produce or increase any Pain, or diminish any Pleasure in us.
1850    Tennyson In Memoriam liv. 78   Are God and Nature then at strife, That Nature lends such evil dreams?
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†b. Hard, difficult. Const. to with inf. Obs.

c1175    Lamb. Hom. 147   Hit is uuel to understonden on hwulche wise Mon mei him solf forsake.
1377    Langland Piers Plowman B. xv. 63   Hony is yuel to defye and engleymeth þe mawe.
1523    Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles I. ccxxi. 286   It was yuell mountyng of yt hyll.
1551    W. Turner New Herball i. A iv b,   Astriction‥is ether very euyll to be founde, or els there is none to be founde at all.
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 a. Of conditions, fortune, etc., also (rarely) of persons: Unfortunate, miserable, wretched.   evil health n. misfortune (see health n.). Obs.

c1175    Lamb. Hom. 33   Hwi beo we uule on þisse wrecche world.
a1300    Floriz & Bl. 441   Hi beden God ȝiue him uuel fin.
a1400  (1325)    Cursor Mundi (Trin. Cambr.) l. 7320   Þei aske anoþer kyng þen me Euelhele þe tyme shul þei se.
1477    Caxton tr. R. Le Fèvre Hist. Jason (1913) 39   Thenne cam agaynst him the king of Poulane, but that was to his euyl helthe.
a1500  (1450)    Merlin (1899) i. 20   Thow toldest the person that thow were euel ther-on.
c1500    Melusine (1895) 78   He‥after the dede & euylhap‥fledd with all from þis land.
1530    J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 217/2   Evyll lucke, malevr.
1611    Bible (A.V.) Exod. v. 19   The officers‥did see that they were in euill case.
1614    W. Raleigh Hist. World i. v. iii. §15. 509   So beaten, and in such euill plight.
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 b. Of periods of time: Characterized by misfortune or suffering, unlucky, disastrous. evil May-day: see May Day n.1 2.

1377    Langland Piers Plowman B. ix. 120   Wastoures and wrecches out of wedloke‥Conceyued ben in yuel tyme.
1490    Caxton tr. Foure Sonnes of Aymon (1885) iii. 107   Evyll daye gyve you, god.
1667    Milton Paradise Lost ix. 780   Her rash hand in evil hour Forth reaching to the Fruit.
1738    J. Wesley Psalms iv,   Help me in my Evil Day.
1806    J. Beresford Miseries Human Life I. iv. 67   In an evil hour, I‥changed my lodgings.
1849    T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. I. 280   In times which might by Englishmen be justly called evil times.
1878    R. B. Smith Carthage 186   The Boii‥determined to anticipate the evil day.
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 6.   evil eye n. (Phrases, to bear, cast, look with, an evil eye.)

 a. A look of ill-will.

c1000    Liber Scintillarum xxvii. (1889) 102   Unclænnyss eage yfel [oculus malus] withersacung‥gemænsumiaþ man.
1382    Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) Mark vii. 22   Fro withynne, of the herte of men comen‥vnchastite, yuel yȝe, blasphemyes.
1526–34    Bible (Tyndale) Matt. xx. 15   Ys thyne eye evyll because I am good.
1611    Bible (A.V.) Mark vii. 22   Lasciuiousnesse, an euill eye [Rev. V. an evil eye], blasphemie.
a1639    W. Whately Prototypes (1640) i. xx. 202   Why should wee‥beare an evill eye towards them?
a1644    F. Quarles Solomons Recant. (1645) x. 79   Let not thine eyes be evill.
1705    J. Addison Remarks Italy 84   They look with an Evil Eye upon Leghorne.
1875    B. Jowett tr. Plato Dialogues (ed. 2) I. 394   Patriotic citizens will cast an evil eye upon you as a subverter of the laws.
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 b. A malicious or envious look which, in popular belief, had the power of doing material harm; also, the faculty, superstitiously ascribed to certain individuals, of inflicting injury by a look. Cf. French mauvais œil, Italian malocchio.

1796    J. Sinclair Statist. Acct. Scotl. XVIII. 123   The less informed‥are afraid of their [old Women's] evil Eye among the cattle.
1797    J. Dallaway Constantinople 391   Nothing can exceed the superstition of the Turks respecting the Evil Eye of an enemy or infidel.
1834    E. Bulwer-Lytton Last Days of Pompeii i. iii,   He certainly possesses the gift of the evil eye.
1871    C. Reade Terrible Tempt. xxxiii,   Or if you didn't kill him, you'd cast the evil eye on him.
1879    G. F. Jackson Shropshire Word-bk. at Evil,   'E's a nasty downlookin' fellow—looks as if 'e could cast a nev'l-eye upon yo'.
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 II. Bad in a privative sense: Not good.

 a. Of an animal or vegetable growth or product, as a tree, fruit, the body, ‘humours’: Unsound, corrupt. Of a member or organ: Diseased. to have an evil head: to be insane.

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 b. Of air, diet, water: Wanting in the essentials of healthy nutrition; unwholesome. Obs.

c1000    West Saxon Gospels: Matt. (Corpus Cambr.) vii. 17   Ælc yfel treow byrþ yfele wæstmas.
c1000    Sax. Leechd. II. 178   Gif of þære wambe anre þa yfelan wætan cumen.
c1200    Trin. Coll. Hom. 183   Gief þe licame beð euel, loð is heo þe sowle.
c1320    Seuyn Sag. (W.) 1878   Iuel blod was hire withinne.
1382    Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) Matt. vii. 18   A good tree may nat make yuel fruytis, nether an yuel tree make good fruytis.
c1400    Lanfranc's Cirurg. (MS. A.) 38   Yvel fleisch growiþ in a wounde.
c1400    Lanfranc's Cirurg. (MS. A.) 80   If‥þe eir be yvel, þe sike man schal be chaungid into good eyr.
a1450    Knt. de la Tour (1868) 20   A gentille man‥was riotous‥and hadd an evelle hede [Fr. male teste].
1523    Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles I. xviii. 24   Beastis they‥myght eate at their pleasure without bredde, whiche was an euyll dyette.
1563    J. Foxe Actes & Monuments 1372/2,   I am an olde man and haue a verye euill backe.
1587    J. White in R. Hakluyt Princ. Navigations (1589) iii. 764   The water whereof was so euill.
1591    F. Sparry tr. C. de Cattan Geomancie 199,   I iudged that the horse had an euill foote and was worth nothing.
1597    Shakespeare Richard III i. i. 140   Oh he hath kept an euill diet long.
1611    Bible (A.V.) Jer. xxiv. 3   Very euill [figs] that cannot be eaten, they are so euill.
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 a. Inferior in quality, constitution, condition or appearance; poor, unsatisfactory, defective. Obs.

971    Blickl. Hom. 197   Heo [seo cirice] is eac on onsyne utan yfeles heowes.
c1300    Cursor M. (Edinb.) 21805   Þis tale queþir it be iuil or gode I fande it writin.
13..    tr. Leges Burgorum c. 63 in Sc. Stat. I. 345   And gif scho makis ivil ale and dois agane þe custume of þe toune‥scho sall gif til hir mercyment viii s or‥be put on þe kukstule.
c1400    Rom. Rose 4459   Whanne she wole make A fulle good silogisme‥aftirward ther shal in deede Folwe an evelle conclusioun.
c1400    Lanfranc's Cirurg. (MS. B.) 8   Euyle maners beþ folwynge þe lyknesse of an yvele complexioun.
1561    in T. Thomson Inventories 141   Item, ane evill litle burdclaith of grene.
1576    E. Grindal Let. Ld. Burleigh in Wks. (1843) 392,   I pray your lordship, appoint when you come to take an evil dinner with me.
1583    G. Babington Very Fruitfull Expos. Commaundem. i. 38   If a man cut with an euill knife, hee is the cause of cutting, but not of euill cutting.
1592    in Vicary's Anat. (1888) App. ix. 229   Vayns‥gude to be opynd for‥euyll sight.
1609    J. Skene tr. Regiam Majestatem 142. 
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†b. Of a workman, work, etc.: Unskilful. Obs.

1530    J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 416/1,   I acloye with a nayle, as an yvell smythe dothe an horse foote.
a1535    T. More Hist. Richard III in Wks. (1557) 37/1   None euill captaine was hee in the warre.
1561    T. Norton tr. J. Calvin Inst. Christian Relig. iv. 85   He is an euell pyper but a good fiddler.
1577    B. Googe tr. C. Heresbach Foure Bks. Husbandry i. f. 36,   An excellent good seede for an euyll husbande.
1799    S. Freeman Town Officer 146   Forfeit every hide marred or hurt by his evil workmanship.
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 B. n.1
 I. The adj. used absol. That which is evil.

 a. In the widest sense: That which is the reverse of good; whatever is censurable, mischievous, or undesirable. Also with adj.: moral evil, physical evil.

c1340    Cursor M. (Fairf.) 939   Y made eville & good to you knowen.
1382    Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) Gen. iii. 5   Ȝe shul ben as Goddis, knowynge good and yuel.
1559    in S. Tymms Wills & Inventories Bury St. Edmunds (1850) 153,   I, Sir Willm Paynter‥wt all vnderstanding of good and evell, make this my last will.
1611    Bible (A.V.) Gen. iii. 5. 
1733    Pope Ess. Man i. 284   All Nature is but Art, unknown to thee‥All partial Evil, universal Good.
1759    Johnson Idler 29 Dec. 409   Almost all the moral Good which is left among us, is the apparent Effect of physical Evil.
1813    Pantologia (at cited word),   The most serious difficulty lies in accounting for the permission of moral evil or guilt.
1846    R. C. Trench Notes Miracles (1862) xviii. 295   They [the Scriptures] ever recognize the reality of evil.
1860    E. B. Pusey Minor Prophets 180   Evil is of two sorts, evil of sin, and evil of punishment.
1869    J. Martineau Ess. Philos. & Theol. 2nd Ser. 42   Moral evil is a broad black fact.
1878    B. Stewart & P. G. Tait Unseen Universe vii. 269   The greatest of all mysteries—the origin of evil.
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 b. What is morally evil; sin, wickedness.

c1040    Rule St. Benet (Logeman) 3   Gecyr from yfele & do god.
a1175    Cott. Hom. 219   Þat teonðe werod abreað, and awende on yfele.
c1200    Trin. Coll. Hom. 11   An wereȝed gost‥him aure tacheð to ufele.
1413    Lydgate Pilgr. of Sowle (1483) iv. xxv. 71   To‥chesen the good fro euylle.
1596    W. Raleigh in W. B. Scoones Four Cent. Eng. Lett. (1880) 37   Converting badd into yevill and yevill in worse.
1611    Bible (A.V.) Prov. iii. 7   Feare the Lord, and depart from euill.
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 c. What is mischievous, painful, or disastrous.

c850    Bede's Death-song in Sweet Old Eng. Texts 149   To ymbhycgannae‥huaet his gastae, godaes aeththa yflaes aefter deothdaee doemid uueorthae.
971    Blickl. Hom. 115   Nu is æhwonon yfel and slee.
1154    Anglo-Saxon Chron. anno 1135,   Al unfrið, & yfel, & ræflac.
a1300    Cursor M. 7949 (Cott.) ,   Iuel he sal apon þe rais.
a1325  (1250)    Gen. & Exod. (1968) l. 788   Ðat ywel him sulde nummor deren.
c1380    Eng. Wycliffite Serm. in Sel. Wks. II. 249   Ȝelde to noo man yvel for yvel.
a1400–50    Alexander 1699   Depely þam playnt, Quat erroure of þis Emperoure & euill þai suffird.
c1450    in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. (1884) I. 709   Morbosus, full of ewylle.
1611    Bible (A.V.) Job ii. 10   Shall wee receiue good at the hand of God, and shall wee not receiue euil?
1789    J. Bentham Introd. Princ. Morals & Legisl. xviii. §17 (note) ,   It was the dread of evil, not the hope of good that first cemented societies together.
1850    Tennyson In Memoriam xcvi. 146   Evil haunts The birth, the bridal.
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 2. to do evil, †say evil. (In post-inflectional English hardly distinguishable from use of evil adv.) †with evil: with evil intention. †to take in, or to, evil: to take (a thing) ill; also, to be hurt by.

c825    Vesp. Psalter xiv. [xv.] 3   Ne he dyde ðæm nestan his yfel.
971    Blickl. Hom. 51   He us þonne foryldeþ swa we nu her doþ, e godes e yfeles.
c1000    West Saxon Gospels: Matt. (Corpus Cambr.) v. 11   Eadie synt e þonne hi wyriað eow and ehtað eow and seceað ælc yfel [Vulg. omne malum] ongen eow.
c1000    West Saxon Gospels: John (Corpus Cambr.) v. 29   Þa þe god worhton farað on lifes æreste, and þa þe yfel [ Vulg. mala dydon on domes æreste].
c1340    Cursor M. (Trin.) 23183   For good & euele þat þei dud ere.
1377    Langland Piers Plowman B. viii. 23   ‘And whoso synneth’, I seyde ‘doth yuel, as me þinketh’.
c1430    Syr Gener. (Roxb.) 2494   Mi lordes‥Take it not in euel that I say here.
c1430    Syr Gener. (Roxb.) 3972   That stroke Generides to yuel nam.
c1460    Emare 535   Another letter she made with evyll.
c1510    T. More tr. G. F. Pico della Mirandola Lyfe J. Picus in Wks. 15/2   If folk backbite us & saie euill of us: shal we so grevously take it, that lest they should begin to do yuel?
1570    P. Levens Manipulus Vocabulorum sig. Kivv/2,   To do Euil, malefacere.
1611    Bible (A.V.) Ecclus. v. 1   They consider not that they doe euill.
1842    E. Bulwer-Lytton Zanoni 29   He does no evil.
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 3. With defining word: That which is evil in some particular case or relation; the evil portion or element of anything. Also quasi-abstr. as in to see the evil of (a course of action).

c897    K. Ælfred tr. Gregory Pastoral Care xxi. 157   Ðu meaht eseon eall ðæt yfel openlice ðæt ðærinne lutað.
c1400    Solomon's Bk. Wisd. 70   Ȝif he wot any yuel by þe.
1523    Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles I. cv. 127   So that all thynges consydred, the good and yuell, they yelded them to therle of Derby.
1590    Spenser Faerie Queene ii. viii. sig. T6v,   The euill donne Dyes not, when breath the body first doth leaue.
1611    Bible (A.V.) John xvii. 15,   I pray‥that thou shouldest keepe them from the euill.
1651    T. Hobbes Leviathan ii. xxviii. 162   All evill‥inflicted without intention‥is not Punishment.
1667    Milton Paradise Lost i. 163   If then his Providence Out of our evil seek to bring forth good.
1759    Johnson Prince of Abissinia II. xxix. 35   To inquire what were the sources of‥the evil that we suffer.
1877    J. B. Mozley Univ. Serm. ii. 34   The evil which is the excess of appetite and passion is not so bad as the evil which corrupts virtue.
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 II. A particular thing that is evil.
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 4. gen. Anything that causes harm or mischief, physical or moral. the social evil: prostitution.

a1300    Cursor M. 8108 (Cott.) ,   Þir wandes thre wit-in þe rote Gains iuels all þai bar al bote.
c1400  (1380)    Cleanness (Nero) l. 277,   & þenne euelez on erþe ernestly grewen.
c1450    Life St. Cuthbert (1891) 3696   Of twa euels gif ȝe nede þe tane To chese.
c1500    Melusine (1895) 237   Of two euylles men ought to choose the lasse.
1539    R. Taverner tr. Erasmus Prouerbes 39   A lytle euyll, a great good.
1577    B. Googe tr. C. Heresbach Foure Bks. Husbandry ii. f. 76,   Among other euils, they [sc. hop gardens] wyl be ful of wormes.
1611    Bible (A.V.) Prov. xxii. 3   A prudent man foreseeth the euill, and hideth himselfe.
1674    R. Godfrey Var. Injuries in Physick 94   We being admonisht by the vulgar proverb, To choose the least of Evils.
1793    E. Burke Corr. (1844) IV. 135   There are evils to which the calamities of war are blessings.
1835    C. Thirlwall Hist. Greece I. 305   Correcting an evil which disturbed the internal tranquillity of Sparta.
1849    T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. II. 136   One of the chief evils which afflicted Ireland.
1872    J. Morley Voltaire i. 12   A real evil to be combated.
1875    B. Jowett tr. Plato Dialogues (ed. 2) V. 75   We can afford to forgive as well as pity the evil which can be cured.
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†5. A wrong-doing, sin, crime. Usually pl. Obs.

OE    Beowulf 2094,   I(c ð)am leodsceaðan yfla gehwylces ondlean forgeald.
c1000    Ags. Ps. cv. 25 [cvi. 32]   Þær Moyses wearð mæene ebysad for heora yfelum.
c1175    Lamb. Hom. 15   Þas þeues þet nulleð nu nefre swike heore uueles.
a1300    Earliest Compl. Eng. Prose Psalter lxxiv. 5 [lxxv. 4],   I said to wicke, Ivels wicli do þer forn.
c1374    Chaucer tr. Boethius De Consol. Philos. iv. i. 109   Yif þat yuelys passen wiþ outen punyssheinge.
1490    Caxton tr. Foure Sonnes of Aymon (1885) xxi. 465,   I have don many grete evylles agenst my creatour.
1559    W. Baldwin et al. Myrroure for Magistrates Worcester xvii,   King Edwardes evilles all wer counted mine.
1597    Shakespeare Richard III i. ii. 76   Of these supposed euils‥to acquite my selfe.
1614    Bp. J. Hall Contempl. II. O.T. vi. 181   Men think either to patronize, or mitigate euils, by their fained reasons.
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†6. A calamity, disaster, misfortune. Obs.

a1300    Earliest Compl. Eng. Prose Psalter lxxxix. [xc.] 15   Yheres in whilke we segh ivels þus.
c1475  (1400)    Apol. Lollard Doctr. (1842) 41   He reprouid þe rych, and seid many iuel to cum to hem.
1490    Caxton tr. Foure Sonnes of Aymon (1885) xix. 408   Grete evylles and harmes are happeth therby.
1535    Bible (Coverdale) Esther viii. B,   How can I se the euell that shal happen vnto my people?
1590    J. Smythe in Lett. Lit. Men (Camden) 64   Ther may uppon dyvers accidents ensue such and so great evills unto your Majestie and Realme.
1667    Milton Paradise Lost ii. 281   How in safety best we may Compose our present evils.
1791    A. Radcliffe Romance of Forest I. i. 14   With the additional evil of being separated from his family.
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†a. gen. A disease, malady. Obs.

c1275  (1200)    Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1978) l. 8782   Aurilie wule beon dæd. þat ufel is under his ribben.
c1300    Havelok (Laud) (1868) 114   Than him tok an iuel strong.
1340    R. Rolle Pricke of Conscience 3001   Som‥Sal haf als þe yuel of meselry.
c1400    Mandeville's Trav. (Roxb.) viii. 29   A medicinal thing it [aloes] es for many euils.
1480    Caxton tr. Trevisa Descr. Eng. 25   The yelow euyll that is called the Jaundis.
1697    Dryden tr. Virgil Georgics iii, in tr. Virgil Wks. 121   The slow creeping Evil eats his way.
1725    N. Robinson New Theory of Physick 280   It cannot be expected that‥the feeling his Pulse‥will remove the Evil he labours under.
c1400    Rom. Rose 3269   This is the yvelle that love they calle.
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 b. the Aleppo evil: ‘a disease, which first appears under the form of an eruption on the skin, and afterwards forms into a sort of boil’ ( Penny Cycl. XII. 12/2). †the foul evil: the pox. †the falling evil: = ‘the falling sickness’, epilepsy.

c1340    Cursor M. (Trin.) 11831   Þe fallyng euel had he to melle.
c1400    Mandeville's Trav. (1839) vi. 69   It heleth him of the fallynge Euyll.
?a1500    in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. (1884) I. 791   Hic morbus caducus, the fallyn evylle.
1607    E. Topsell Hist. Fovre-footed Beastes 654   The bloode of a Lambe mingled with wine, doth heale‥those which haue the fowle euill.
1869    E. A. Parkes Man. Pract. Hygiene (ed. 3) 79   The Aleppo evil, the Damascus ulcer, and some other diseases.
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 c. Short for king's evil n.: scrofula. Also attrib. in †evil gold, the gold coin (see angel n. 6) given by the king to those touched by him for ‘the evil’.

[1530    J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 182   Les escrovelles, a disease called the quynnancy or the kynges yvell.]
a1616    Shakespeare Macbeth (1623) iv. iii. 147   Macd. What's the Disease he means? Mal. Tis call'd the Euill.
1667    London Gaz. No. 154/4,   There will be no farther Touching for the Evil till Michaelmas next.
1702    London Gaz. No. 3814/4,   Stolen‥two Pieces of Evil Gold.
1737    Pope Epist. of Horace ii. ii. 14   When golden Angels cease to cure the Evil.
1751    Fielding in Lond. Daily Advertiser 31 Aug.,   Two of the most miserable Diseases‥the Asthma and the Evil.
1868    E. A. Freeman Hist. Norman Conquest (1876) II. App. 536   The first who undertook to cure the evil by the royal touch.
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 C1. Of the adj., chiefly parasynthetic adjs.
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  evil-affected adj.

1611    Bible (A.V.) Acts xiv. 2   Stirred vp the Gentiles, and made their mindes *euill affected against the brethren.
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  evil-affectedness n.

1670    C. Cotton tr. G. Girard Hist. Life Duke of Espernon i. iv. 154   The *evil-affectedness of the people.
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  evil-complexioned adj.

1623    W. Drummond Cypresse Grove in Flowres of Sion 57   If they were not distempered and *euill complexioned, they would not be sicke.
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  evil-eyed adj.

a1616    Shakespeare Cymbeline (1623) i. i. 73   You shall not finde me (Daughter) *Euill-ey'd vnto you.
1661    T. Pierce Serm. 29 May 35   Nor can you rationally hope to keep your Peace any longer, then whilest the evil-ey'd Factions want power to break it.
1872    J. Ruskin Eagle's Nest §106   But to be evil-eyed, is that not worse than to have no eyes?
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  evil-fortuned adj.

1490    Caxton tr. Eneydos xxvi. 94   O fortune *euyll fortuned why haste thou not permytted me, etc.
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  evil-headed adj.

c1583    J. Balfour Practicks 490 (Jam.)   Gif the awiner of the beist‥knew that he was *evil-heidit or cumbersom.
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  evil-hearted adj.

1832    Tennyson Œnone in Poems (new ed.) 53   *Evilhearted Paris,‥Came up from reedy Simois all alone.
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  evil-hued adj.

a1250  (1200)    Ancrene Riwle (Nero) (1952) 167   Me‥tolde him. þet his deore spuse‥were‥lene & *vuele i-heowed.
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  evil-mannered adj.

1656    J. Trapp Comm. Coloss. ii. 20   The most uncivil and *evil-mannered‥of all those who have borne the name of God upon earth.
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  evil-minded adj.

1531    in Vicary's Anat. (1888) App. vii. 201   Opportunity was taken by the *evil-minded to worry alien Surgeons.
1687    Dryden Hind & Panther ii. 70   Some evil minded beasts might‥wreak their hidden hate.
1817    Cobbett's Weekly Polit. Reg. 8 Feb. 164   The endeavours which have recently been exerted‥by designing and evil-minded men.
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  evil-mindedness n.

1884    J. Parker Apostolic Life III. 144   We ourselves are‥infinite in the variety of our *evil-mindedness.
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  evil-officed adj.

1607    T. Middleton Revengers Trag. ii. sig. C4v,   What makes yon *euill offic'd man.
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  evil-qualitied adj.

1613    J. Hayward Liues III. Normans 59   His returne was on foote, by reason of the *euill qualitied wayes.
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  evil-savoured adj.

c1400    Rom. Rose 4733   [Love is] Right *evelle savoured good savour.
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  evil-starred adj.

1842    Tennyson Locksley Hall in Poems (new ed.) II. 107   In wild Mahratta-battle fell my father *evil-starred.
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  evil-thewed adj.  [see thew n.1]

c1460  (1400)    Tale of Beryn (1887) l. 2177   Nevir þing so wild Ne so *evill-thewid, as I was my selff.
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  evil-thoughted adj.

1824    J. Symmons tr. Æschylus Agamemnon 11   Cure me of *evil-thoughted care.
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  evil-tongued adj.

1867    in Deutsch's Rem. 8   The *evil-tongued messenger arrived in the camp.
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  evil-weaponed adj.

1590    J. Smythe Certain Disc. Weapons Sig. ***,   They have been contented to suffer their soldiers to goe *evill weaponed.
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  evil-willed adj.

1393    Langland Piers Plowman C. ii. 189   Men of holy churche, Auerouse & *euel~willed whanne thei ben auaunsed.
a1475    Bk. Quinte Essence 26   Saturn is a planete evel-willid and ful of sekenes.
c1475  (1400)    Apol. Lollard Doctr. (1842) 25   Who schal rise to gidre wiþ me aȝenis þe iuil willid.
1533    T. More Answere Poysened Bk. in Wks. 1054/2   His wisedome will not enter into an euil-willed heart.
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 C2. Also evil-favoured adj., etc.

† evil-usage n. Obs. = ill usage n.

1645    Milton Tetrachordon 93   Hemingius‥writing of divorce‥gives us sixe [causes thereof], adultery, desertion, inability, error, *evill usage, and impiety.
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 C3. Of the n.
 (a) Objective with agent-noun.
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  evil-sayer n.

1530    J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 217/2   *Evyll sayer, maldisant.
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  evil-speaker n.

a1200    Moral Ode 274   Þeor beð naddren‥Þa tered and freteð þe *uuele speken.
1413    Lydgate Pilgr. of Sowle (1483) iii. v. 53   Gladly heryng euery euel speker.
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  evil-worker n.

1552    Abp. J. Hamilton Catech. Pref.,   Behald ye doggis, behald *ewil workeris.
1611    Bible (A.V.) Phil. iii. 2   Beware of euill workers.
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 (b) With vbl. n. and pr. pple. forming adjectives and substantives.

  evil-boding n. and adj.

1833    H. Martineau Manch. Strike (new ed.) xi. 125   The *evil-bodings which a succession of Job's comforters had been pouring into her ears.
1855    R. C. Singleton tr. Virgil Wks. I. 101   And evil-boding bitches, and ill-omened birds.
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  evil-saying n.

1526    W. Bonde Pylgrimage of Perfection iii. sig. aiiiiv,   Detraction is a preuy and secrete *yuell, sayeng of our neighbour.
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  evil-speaking n.

1611    Bible (A.V.) 1 Pet. ii. 1   *Euill-speakings.
1705    G. Stanhope Paraphr. III. 495   Many good Men‥look upon these Evil-speakings as a sort of Martyrdom.
1847    G. Grote Hist. Greece III. ii. xi. 187   [Solon] forbade absolutely evil-speaking with respect to the dead.
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  evil-wishing adj.

1590    Sir P. Sidney Covntesse of Pembrokes Arcadia ii. x. f. 145v,   A country full of *euil-wishing minds toward him.
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 b. Instrumental, with pples., forming adjs.

† evil-bicaught adj. Obs.

c1330    Arth. & Merl. 296   Thai weren sought and founde hem nought Tho he held hem *iuel bicought.
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  evil-impregnated adj.

1855    Woman's Devotion II. 25   *Evil-impregnated air that seemed to surround Lady Jane, wherever she went.
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 C4. See evil-doer n., evil-willer n.

  evil-proof adj. proof against evil.

1864    W. W. Skeat tr. J. L. Uhland Songs & Ballads 63   Now, builder, finish the walls and roof, God's blessing hath made it *evil-proof.
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Draft additions February 2005

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  Evil Empire n. orig. U.S. (depreciative) the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (now hist.); (also) communist nations collectively; (in extended use) any very powerful nation or organization which is perceived as a competitor, enemy, or potential threat.

1983    R. Reagan in N.Y. Times 9 Mar. a18/6,   I urge you to beware the temptation‥to ignore the facts of history and the aggressive impulses of an *evil empire, to simply call the arms race a giant misunderstanding.
1992    Our Times Sept. 53/3   Even today, with the Evil Empire in tatters and the Cold War frozen in time, we are only a historical blip away from the madness brought on by anti-communism.
2003    Los Angeles Times (Electronic ed.) 19 Jan.,   Red Sox President Larry Lucchino, reacting to the Yankees' signing of Contreras, Japanese outfielder Hideki Matsui and Roger Clemens for $63.1 million, described the Yankees as the Evil Empire.
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evil, adj. and n./1
Second edition, 1989; online version November 2010. <>; accessed 18 January 2011. Earlier version first published in New English Dictionary, 1894.
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Second edition, 1989; online version November 2010
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In this entry:
Aleppo evil, the
bear, cast, look with, an evil eye, to
do evil, to
evil angel, spirit
Evil Empire
evil eye
evil gold
evil health
evil one ( the evil man), the
evil tongue
evil will
falling evil, the
foul evil, the
have an evil head, to
moral evil
physical evil
say evil
see the evil of, to
social evil, the
take in, to, evil, to
with evil
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ivel, adj. in Middle English Dictionary
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evidential, adj.1610
evidentially, adv.1654
evidentiary, adj.1817
evidently, adv.c1374
evidentness, n.1552
evigilate, adj.1727
evigilation, n.1720
evil, n.2a1616
evil, n.31642
evil, adj. and n.1c825
evil, v.c1000
evil, adv.971
evil-doer, n.1398
evil-doing, n.1398
evilfare, n.1556
evil-favoured, adj.1530
evilful, adj.c1475
evilless, adj.c1394
evilly, adv.a1575
evilmost, adj.1857
evilness, n.1000
evilty, n.c1330
evil-willer, n.1460
evil-willing, adj.a1400
ˌevil-willy, adj.a1382
evince, v.1608-11
evincement, n.1651
evincible, adj.1593
evincing, adj.1641
evincive, adj.1805
evintegrous, adj.1674-81
Evipan, n.1932
evirate, adj.1606
evirate, v.1621
eviration, n.1603
evirato, n.1796
evirtuate, adj.1799
evirtuate, v.1640
eviscerate, adj.1830
eviscerate, v.1607

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The url for Tuesday's assignment doesn't work, so.....

go here:

click on "English Language Dictionaries"

click on Oxford English DIctionary

type in the word "evil" in the "Quick Search" box

click on the third item offered:  "3. evil, adj. and n.1"

read, print, bring to class.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Moby Dick and evil

"All that most maddens and torments; all that stirs up the lees of things; all truth with malice in it; all that cracks the sinews and cakes the brain; all the subtle demonisms of life and thought; all evil, to crazy Ahab, were visibly personified, and made practically assailable in Moby Dick. He piled upon the whale’s white hump the sum of all the general rage and hate felt by his whole race from Adam down; and then, as if his chest had been a mortar, he burst his hot heart’s shell upon it." 
- Moby Dick, Herman Melville

"Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee. Sink all coffins and all hearses to one common pool! and since neither can be mine, let me then tow to pieces, while still chasing thee, though tied to thee, thou damned whale! Thus, I give up the spear!" 
- Moby Dick, Herman Melville

Syllabus, a work in progress

English 486 Themes in American Literature:  Evil
Spring 2011
TTh 9:30-10:45, C E Chavez Bldg, Rm 304
Professor Lynda Zwinger
Office: Modern Languages 469
Office hours: TBA
Course Description
American literature has had, from the very beginning, a preoccupation with evil.  What is evil?  A white whale?  A homeless boy who “steals” a slave? A governess who wants to “save” her charges? A man who will encourage a sister’s incestuous marriage but not if it involves “miscegenation”?  Or maybe a woman who (thinks she) turns into a panther when she feels passion, or an utterly virtualized society in which “reality” is a software program, or a town that figures out a way to have perfect wives?  We will read texts (print and film) that engage what may well be the quintessential American Love Story. Authors may include: Hawthorne, Twain, Faulkner, O’Connor, Capote, Harris, others; films may include The Night of the Hunter, The Stepford Wives, The Bad Seed, The Omen, others.  Students will write four short papers, and take a midterm and a final.
Course page:
NB: This syllabus is a work in progress. It will change. Often. A lot. You are responsible for checking the course page frequently to stay tuned—you are, that is, responsible for any revisions made to the work or the schedule that are posted there, whether or not they are mentioned in class. We also have a D2L page, but until further notice, this blogspot page is the official page for the course.
Most of our texts will be available on the internet (you’ll have to print them to have hard copies for class) or movies shown in class.  I may also order a book or two and will give you ample notice if and when I do.  A full list and the beginning of a reading schedule will be handed out next week.
 Policies and student work
      Students will write four single-spaced, 1-page papers throughout the semester (papers and tests are 70% of your grade). You will receive specific instructions for each assigned paper in advance of the due date. (Fair warning: one page papers are much, much harder to write well than longer papers.) Everyone will read at least one of these papers to the class.
      This is a discussion class first and a lecture class second (if a student says something important, I won’t repeat it, so take notes on your colleagues’ contributions); participation (attendance counts as participation) is 10% of your grade.
      There will be an objective midterm and final. I will also give unannounced brief objective quizzes, usually on the first day of discussion of a text. These are solely for the purpose of helping you keep up with the reading; they cannot be made up if you are late or absent. The grades you earn on these will constitute 20% of your semester grade.
      Attendance is mandatory.   
     Plagiarism (the use of someone else’s words and/or ideas without attribution) will result in a course grade of “F.” UA policies will be followed, see, especially:
      You must complete all work assigned (you can’t, that is, blow off a paper because you don’t “need” the grade).
      My policy is no Incompletes; if you think you won’t be able to complete the course please arrange to withdraw from it.
      If you must miss a class, please ask a classmate to fill you in on what you missed.
      Courtesy in speech and attitude is respectfully requested and required and offered. Please turn off cell phones before class starts. Please refrain from web-surfing, texting, emailing, watching YouTube or updating your Facebook page during class.
     If you are going to eat cookies, bring enough for everybody.
Notable Dates
March 12-20 Spring Break
3/31 No class
March 31-April 2 Arizona Quarterly Symposium (no class, but attendance at a paper of your choice will be required)
May 5 Last Day of Classes
May 10 Final 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m., Chavez 304
January 18  A detailed schedule will be posted next week; for January 18 please read, print, and bring to class this entry from the O.E.D. (you will need to be logged in to the UA webpage):